Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Prep Work!

I was thinking yesterday of all the things i do that are prep work for something else! For instance... I wash dirty clothes so they can be worn again. I wash dishes so we can eat with them. I cook a meal so it can be eaten. I teach my kids so they can be prepared for the future! Funny how so much of what we do is to prepare things for something else. The children and I have been preparing the ground for our new pool. I have even spent time out of comfort zone and put in back labor for the effort! I am reminded of how often when indeed the work is done to prepare for something better! Seems like when the result is something we like it makes the work alot easier.. sometimes or at least it helps our motivation! God prepared me for motherhood along the way and with each child came the experience for another! I am so very thankful I can use the Prep Work to my advantage and learn from it so each day is better!

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