Thursday, March 3, 2011


Yes it has been one of those days!

You know the ones where you always see something that makes you wonder what could possibly be going through thier heads? I think my kids do things just hear me say huh or what were you thinking?!

I have so much to do this weekend... before Sunday my room needs to be completely cleaned out and organized! ... before Sunday I must find the kid's camp forms and fill them out! ... before Sunday I need to find all of our bills and fill them out for our church wide vision service! ... before Sunday I need to prepare a lesson for my first time teaching a class of 2 yr olds! Wow that is just a few of the things needed doing!

Well, tomorrow my 3rd son is tunring 10 and I can hardly believe he is in the double digits! Yes my post wil be all about him!

For now I am off to tackle my list of things to do... or try at least... Fun!

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