Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Small Sight

Once again I am less in sight than is favorable for anyone to have. I can see clearly for about a foot in front of me maybe two. After that it is all blurred shapes and mixed colors! I sure hope the spelling is right on this post! More than anything the pressure behind my eyes is very strong yet not overwhelming and I ammanaging to function quite normally, hwre as a person looking in may not know I am not seeing as I should!
This has brought to mind something God has been showing me... Often our sight is limited to what we want to see and not what we need to see. I do know that with my sight lessened for the time being I am listening alot more! My ears spiritual and physical have been tuned into what God is saying just for the short time today!
In the past when my sight has becoem blurred we have run to the dr's and they never find anything... this time I am going to just depend on prayer... God is my healer! My children are being such a big help and I am still pressing on to do school and whatever else I can do!
Pressing on though my sight is dim... I will not give or let it win... Today will be great for I'm a child of God, I walk in His love following his voice!

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