Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Come As You Are!

I have ALWAYS been my own person... meaning I am not shy about being different!

Guess my personality is built to stand out.. my oldest is the same way and is learning the hard way that most people would rather if you blend in than stick out! I keep encouraging him to be who he is and maybe just tweak it a little!

Only in recent years have I learned to take a step or two back and realize not everyone needs to hear what I want to say! Many times I wanbt to say so much more than I actually do! Maybe that is whay I love blogging to much! I can talk and talk through writing and if you don't want to hear anymore quit reading! I promise you won't hurt my feelings and I probably won't ever even know! It is a win win stiuation!

It is so nice to know that God loves us for who we are, without any tweaking! I can run my mouth all I want or not even say a word without hearing what's wrong with you?! God accepts us for who we are inside and out!

Despite the many mistakes I make, daily, God sees me clean and white as snow! That is such an Awesome feeling I want my children to feel daily, even from me! No where near perfect I am sure... God sees me changing!

Come As you Are! There is no need to change who you are or you think you should be to please those around you! God loves you just the way He made you!

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