Monday, May 30, 2011

Morning of Excitement!

As I was awoken several times in an hr before my alarm was to go off you could feel the excitement in the air as the kids prepared for the first week of VBS this year! For those of you who don't know, if there is any, VBS is Vacation Bible School ! It is a summer tradition and a much loved favorite of all of my children! The themes range from climbing a mountain to, riding a bus cross country to diving the deep blue sea.. all while learning about God's Word!

So for about 3 hrs every morning for the next 2 weeks I will be almost like a mom sending her kids to school everyday and I get up, get them fed and dressed and out the door to a fun filled day!

Then in our 3rd week we'll leave on Sunday after church and head for our annual Texas Trip of VBS. This year unlike many in the past we'll only be staying 1 week not 3 or 4 .. with the kids growing we have lots to do here at home now!

I'd love to say I love Summers..however I do not like the HOT South weather! Hubby and the children did a great job at getting the pool sight ready yesterday... I need to find my camera charger so I can take a few more pictures... I posted the few I have above!  The last 2 are with my cell phone this morning.. it's coming along and we hope to have it up by next weekend!

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